Funny Jokes Making Fun of a Racists

Racist Jokes

Here are a bunch of racist jokes that can be shared among peers and friends. Racist jokes are not always found funny or laughable in some situations, so it's best to choose the moment wisely so you do not provoke anyone unknowingly. So have fun with these witty and fun jokes.

The funny racist jokes

  1. You're so black you could be called a chalkboard.
  2. The Chinese couple across the street had a black baby, now the kids grand mum keeps on calling the child sum tin Wong as its name.
  3. Can you tell the difference between boomerangs and black fathers? A boomerang comes back.
  4. You're not in real debt till you owe the Chinese.
  5. On the high rise of a very tall building are four men; one is black, one is Russian, one is Asian, and the last one is white. The Asian goes over to the ledge and says, "This is for all my people" and jumps off the roof. Next, the Russian walks to the ledge leans over and also says, "This is for all my people" and goes over the roof. Next it's the turn of the black guy he turns and says, "This is for all my people" and then grabs the white guy and flings him off the roof and then he walks off the roof.
  6. The Mario brothers succeeded in making the least racist game in existence by making Mario a man who speaks English, looks like a Mexican, has a job as an Italian plumber, collects coins like a Jew, and even jumps like a black man.
  7. So an Arab man walks into a Starbucks coffee shop sits down and orders his coffee, next thing someone shouts Allah!! The whole shop goes empty. The man walks up and collects his coffee from the barista who called his name.
  8. When you flush something it doesn't come back, just like black fathers.
  9. Ever wondered why black people call themselves brothers? It's probably because they have no idea who their fathers are.
  10. This Japanese family had a premature birth and when the child came they named him "hoo lee sheet"
  11. Want to know the similarities between a block of ice and a white person? – they both melt in the sun.
  12. So I was walking on the road today and this Chinese man said I was racist because I asked him why he kept on squinting when the sun wasn't even out.
  13. Anytime I get high and my eyes semi close, my roommate starts calling me a Chinese person.
  14. I was walking to school today and saw this black man on the road, we got talking and I kept asking if he was a prince and when he would give me some of his large treasure since he was a Nigerian.
  15. You could blindfold a Chinese person with a long thread.
  16. What's a sport Mexicans are born to excel in? – cross-country.
  17. A black guy enters a bar with a parrot on his shoulder and requests for a beer. The bartender hurries and brings a beer and sees the parrot on the man's shoulder and says, "Hey that's really awesome. Where did you find it, I would love to get one too?" The parrot responds, "In the amazon or any jungle, there's thousands of them everywhere."
  18. Thanksgiving is a holiday where we gather and celebrate how we stole this beautiful country from the Indians.
  19. Don't know why Mexicans don't do more Olympics. They would be great at hurdles, its just another thing for them to climb.
  20. A black Jewish boy gets back home from school one sunny Monday and questions his father, "Daddy, do you think I'm more Jewish or more black?" The Father says, "Why would you want to know all of a sudden, son?" "Because a there's this kid at school who is selling a bike for $70 and I just want to know if I should price him down to $50 or just plain steal it!"
  21. On a biology test a student was asked. What do you find commonly in cells? – black people.
  22. What do you call a Chinese millionaire? – cha ching
  23. An Israeli boy got admission in a British school
  24. Why aren't there any ShopRite stores in Pakistan? – because there is a target on every street.
  25. Mexico doesn't win any Olympic medals these days because all their best sprinter, jumpers, and swimmers are in America waiting for citizenship.
  26. How do you make a black person starve? Put their food stamp card under their books!
  27. A cowboy strolls into a bar, takes a sit, shouts out to the bartender and asks for a shot. Over across the bar, a Mexican man is sitting and looking at the cowboy. The cowboy downs the shot and drops the shot glass down on the counter, shouting, "TGIF!" The Mexican requests a shot, drinks it, and slams his glass down, shouting, "SPIT!" The cowboy glances over at him and sees the Mexican guy is still looking at him. The cowboy again asks for another shot shot, slams it down, and shouts again "TGIF!" Once again, the Mexican requests a shot, drops it down after drinking it, and shouts out, "SPIT!" This continues on for a while, and the bartender stands confused and annoyed. Finally, the bartender asks the cowboy, "Just asking, but do you know what TGIF means?" and the cowboy says, "Hell yes I know what it means, 'Thank God It's Friday!'" The bartender asks the Mexican guy, "aii, so what does the word 'SPIT' mean?" and the Mexican replies, "Stupid Pendejo It's Thursday!"
  28. Jewish kids lack understanding in school, I think concentration camps need to be made to combat the issue.
  29. Do you want to know the difference between a naked white woman and a naked black woman? – you can put one on the cover of Playboy or vogue and the other is on the cover of Nature planet.
  30. Jermaine's first day in the second grade he came home weeping. When his mother asked why, he said, "The teacher asked us to recite our ABC's and all the small white boys could say them and I could only reach the letter F. Why is it? His mom told him, "it is because you are black and they are white." The next day Jermaine was crying again. "What's wrong today, Jermaine?" his mother asked. Jermaine said, "Teacher told us to count to 100 and all the little white boys did but I could only get up to 10. Why is that?" The mom answered, "Because you black and they white." The third day he came home smiling. "What happened today, Jermaine?" asked his mom. "We went to the bathroom and my you know what was biggest of all, because I'm black and they are white, right mom?" She said, "No, Jermaine, it's because you 16 and they 9."
  31. I was strolling down the sidewalk and I punched off a white guy and then I was arrested for assault by the police. The day after I got out, I punched a black guy and then I was arrested for impersonating a police officer can you imagine.
  32. A girl decides to do something nice for her boyfriend before they go on vacation so she gets his name tattooed on her breasts. She comes home and shows it to him. he looks at it and says, "That's great, sweetie, but what is 'Wy'?" She tells him to rub it and as he does he sees it actually reads "Wendy." When they arrive at Montego Bay, the couple are walking along a nude beach and the girlfriend notices a black girl with "Wy" on her breasts. She asks the girl if she also has a boyfriend who likes the name Wendy. The black girl laughs and says, "Nah, mon, mine says 'Welcome to Jamaica have a nice day.'"

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