what is the best position to sleep with scoliosis?

Sleeping With Scoliosis – Top v Tips Y'all Should Have in Heed

Sleeping with scoliosis

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People living with Scoliosis may observe it challenging to go into a comfortable sleeping position and maintain it throughout the night due to their physical condition.

Sleeping with scoliosis may feel like an insurmountable task, but there are a few tricks to help you snooze comfortably.

The expert news is that a few simple tweaks to your routine, pillows, and mattress could help y'all finally sleep with ease. We share our top sleeping tips for people with scoliosis, many of which require no special or expensive equipment, so you may be dreaming like a baby every bit soon equally tonight.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a neuro-muscular condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. The aberration tin range from xv to over 50 degrees.[1] Instead of the spine traveling down the body in a straight line, information technology could grade a C or S shape. Scoliosis is non usually painful in mild cases or in children, however, when left uncorrected, information technology could cause hurting or mobility issues in adults.

Doctors allocate scoliosis equally a symptom of an underlying condition in which the nervous system isn't communicating properly with the spine. Most of the fourth dimension, it's unclear what's causing this miscommunication. In some cases it's because of conditions like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy, however, considering information technology'southward in your genes y'all typically tin't control its development.

Symptoms usually announced in children between the ages of x to 14 as they enter a major growth spurt right before the onset of puberty. Because at that place'southward typically no pain involved in the early stages of scoliosis, doctors evaluate x-rays or perform physical examinations looking for unevenness in the shoulders, waist, and hips.

Illustration of a Man Waking up With a Back Pain

Scoliosis Sleeping Tips

Quality Mattress

While a bad mattress won't brand scoliosis worse, you're not doing your dorsum any favors by laying on a bed that'south unsupportive. Further, it could make your symptoms worse and hurting more pronounced.

While soft and cushy mattresses are tempting, you'll be improve off with a medium to medium-firm mattress that allows your spine to remain in a well-supported, neutral position.

When you're shopping for a new mattress, one of the things to look for is a sleep trial. This allows you to try the bed in your home for a limited amount of time to see if the bed is right for yous. Many reputable companies offer a risk-free trial that's xc to 365 days.

Check Out Our Guide: Top Rated Mattress for Scoliosis

If yous're not gear up to buy a new bed, consider getting a mattress topper. If your bed is getting older, it could be sagging and non providing the support you demand. A mattress topper could provide additional lift, helping with spinal alignment; and may even extend your mattress' life for some other twelvemonth or more.

Sleeping Position

The nearly important factor to consider is your comfort. Depending on the severity of your curvature and whether or not you have other health challenges, y'all may prefer one position over the other.

We'll discuss this in more particular in a later department. The nearly critical bespeak near sleeping positions for scoliosis is to avoid sleeping on your tum, which can throw your spine out of alignment or fifty-fifty hyperextend your spine, and opt for your side or back.

Read More: Why Sleeping On Breadbasket is Bad

Pillows for Support

Illustration of a Pregnant Lady Sleeping with a Pillow Between Her Legs

The pillow you lot rest your head on should be relatively depression-contour, merely considering your sleep position when looking at pillows is essential. Pillows can exist great for keeping your spine in proper alignment and assist ensure your comfort all dark long. Yous don't want to sleep on a mount of pillows that will throw your neck and back out of alignment, y'all want your spine and head to be likewise aligned as possible.

For side sleepers, a pillow between the knees should help the spine stay in a neutral position and forbid twisting. Side sleepers can generally have thicker pillows, but stomach and back sleepers typically demand a cushion with a smaller contour.

Also, many scoliosis sufferers feel numbness in the shoulder areas. Considering of that, you may find information technology more than comfortable to sleep on a pillow that you can hands adjust or squish into place to get the perfect angle, memory foam products tin be splendid for these purposes.

View Our Guide: Best Pillow For Side Sleepers

Skillful Hygiene

We're not referring to your cleanliness, nosotros're talking about sleep hygiene in relation to your sleeping and sleeping room habits. The all-time thing you can do to ensure a restful nighttime— other than having the perfect bed— is to transform your bedroom into a soothing sanctuary thoughtfully designed for sleep.

This process entails keeping the room night, banning electronic devices, setting the temperature between 60 and 68 degrees, and using an essential oil diffuser with soothing, sleepy scents, like lavender.

Developing a regular nightly routine is besides incredibly helpful, particularly when followed consistently. For instance, try going to bed at the aforementioned time each night and explore different bedtime rituals to induce drowsiness. These could include enjoying a warm cup of herbal tea, a meditation session, or 30 minutes curled upward with a practiced book.

Sleeping Aids

Pillows, towels, and wedge pillows are excellent sleeping aids to help ease hurting and foster comfort. Consult with your doctor to make sure you lot're using them properly and not doing your spine whatsoever damage by putting information technology at an inappropriate bending. Lack of noesis could pb to increased pain or discomfort.

Learn More than: How to Properly Use a Wedge Pillow

Illustration of a Sleeping Pill Addicted Woman

Employ sleep aids equally a style to close whatever gaps that class betwixt your body and the mattress. For example, if yous sleep on your dorsum, you may detect that in that location'southward a gap in the lower dorsum that tin can cause backlog pressure on the spine.

Try rolling a small towel and placing information technology at the small of your back. You may have to experiment with dissimilar heights and thicknesses to find your sugariness spot.

If you're looking for medications to help you slumber, many people start with melatonin supplements, which naturally assistance people experience drowsy and fall asleep faster. However, sometimes melatonin can leave people drowsy if also much is taken, so we propose starting with a small dose. Consult your doctor to observe what will work best for yous.

Find Out More: All-time Sleep Assistance Supplements

Scoliosis-Friendly Sleeping Positions


Many scoliosis patients find that sleeping on their backs is the best way to keep their spine neutral. However, it's critical to be careful of creating too much force per unit area on the lower back. To avoid this issue, we recommend placing pillows or rolled-up towels under your shoulder blades and at the base of your spine.

Make sure your pillow isn't too high or low. You don't want to be propped up or sinking down into the mattress. Your spine should remain relatively flat and parallel to the bed.

Get More Info: How To Properly Sleep On Your Back


The advantage of side sleeping for patients with scoliosis is that this position is generally considered to exist relatively healthy for spinal alignment.[2] However, for those with a more pronounced curve on 1 side or the other, consider how your spine is shaped; if the biggest bend is on the right side of your body, then sleep on your left side, and vice versa.

Observe Out More: How to Properly Sleep on Your Side

Illustration of a Woman Sleeping on Her Side

Avert Stomach

This position tin be problematic even for individuals with salubrious spines, then if you have scoliosis we suggest that y'all avoid sleeping on your stomach unless directed otherwise past your physician. Not only does it often crusade your head and cervix to twist at unnatural angles, it could besides cause your spine to arch out of alignment.

For people who insist on sleeping on their stomachs, nosotros usually recommend placing a pillow under the pelvis to better align the spine and forestall arching, simply once more, this is for healthy spines.

Want to know more than? Check out our guide for the best pillow for tummy sleepers.

Often Asked Questions

What are some natural ways to amend my scoliosis?

Patients with more than severe cases of scoliosis are often seen sporting a back brace which tin can be bulky, uncomfortable, and render finding a suitable sleeping position nearly impossible. However, in that location are lighter weight options on the market that look and feel more than like a wrap than an inflexible brace. These allow for more than natural movements and can be worn to bed.

Improving apportionment through practise can as well be helpful. Certain foods are known to increase os density and collagen production, which could also improve your scoliosis naturally. Foods like fruits, vegetables and organic meats are recommended to terminate the progression of the condition.[three]

What are some great exercises for this status?

The best exercises for scoliosis are ones that will strengthen the back and cadre. We recommend the post-obit stretches to help stabilize the spine and provide pain relief:

  • Exercise brawl stretch: Lie on your side with the ball pressing into your side. Your feet and one manus will remain on the floor for stabilization. The paw that'southward not on the flooring will stretch frontward over your head. Showtime on one side, hold for twenty seconds, and and then switch. Echo three times.*

  • Cream roller towel stretch: Lay beyond a foam roller that's covered with a towel. You lot'll exist in the same position every bit the kickoff exercise that yous did on the brawl.*

  • Partner stretch: Lay on your stomach with your torso, head, and cervix above the floor. Rise into a plank position and take your partner back up you to keep your dorsum level.*

*Keep in mind these should be performed delicately and but if comfy. We suggest you lot to seek a professional's advice before doing any strenuous movements.

Any tips for sleeping with a back brace?

Your doctor may advise yous to go on your back caryatid on at night. If that'south the case, there are a couple of things to proceed in mind.

First, you should exist extra diligent most keeping information technology dry. If moisture gets in, information technology could cause skin ulcers or a rash. Some other tip patients find helpful is to sleep on your back with a pillow under your legs. This prevents the caryatid from earthworks into your body.

Finally, y'all may have discovered that information technology can be difficult getting in and out of bed with a dorsum brace. To make things less challenging, practice something called the "opposite technique." Instead of trying to sit up, curlicue to the side of the bed you wish to exit, face down, push button yourself upward with your arms, and then gently motility your legs off the bed. You lot should be able to push yourself up and off the bed.

Can sufferers sleep on the floor?

This position is not recommended because it doesn't allow your back to align properly. Instead, scoliosis sufferers should slumber on a mattress that is semi-firm and allows the curve of the spine to sink into the mattress while still being supported by a relatively firm surface.

Sources and References:

  • [1] Suken A. Shah, "Scoliosis (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth", KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation, July 2017
  • [2] "Scoliosis Sleeping Tips and All-time Sleeping Positions", ScoliSMART Blog, July 9, 2021
  • [3] "Reduce the Adventure of Scoliosis Progression with Healthy Eating", ScoliSMART Blog, July 9, 2021

Rachael Gilpin

Content Author

Rachael is a content writer for Sleep Counselor who loves combining her enthusiasm for writing and wellness. She'southward had a passion for writing since she was a child when she wrote awful poetry. She's honed her craft quite a flake since and then and considers herself a lucky duck to become paid to exercise what she loves.

Embracing the remote work life, she occasionally takes her work on the road and lives out her travel writer piping dream.

In her complimentary time, she attempts to meditate regularly, rides her wheel to Trader Joe'south, and enjoys trying every type of food that she can become her hands on.


Source: https://www.sleepadvisor.org/sleeping-with-scoliosis/

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