Things to Draw Cute Cute and Easy Things to Draw Tumblr





a lot of people draw fat characters as like Vaguely Round stomach, throw on stretch marks (drawn in a way that stretch marks DO NOT work) and often body hair (for some reason?? like i'm fat and have body hair but it seems like fat artwork is OBSESSED with adding it on as some sort of statement), pert boobs, maybe the glimmer of a double chin, big ol' thighs cause they're in vogue rn, and maybe round upper arms

and it's like… zero acknowledgement of sag

or how you can be fat and have small boobs/ass/thighs/hips

no thick neck along with the double chin

no fat rolls

all fat people are also drawn to have looooong legs as if to apologize for the rest of the proportions

i look at a "fat" character and what i see is just a skinny character with weight added on, even though that's not how that works

and it's just very clear to me that some artists want credit for "diversity" but don't want to actually look at fat bodies. they apologize with hyper feminine outfits or the implication that the fat character is athletic or something. the fat character still has the perfect figure because "well, some fat people DO still have curves like that!"

we're thicc and thick and "chubby" and plus size.

but we're never actually fat. even the "largest" characters i have seen drawn are just… larger chubby girls. zero acknowledgement of how fatness actually works.

Anyways! I don't want this to be a wholly negative post with no takeaway other than "You should feel bad" (but you probably should), so here is what looks like a good resource:


Here's a link to the tweet.

Too many people base their understanding of fat bodies on plus size models, who are photoshopped, molded with cut outs, and chosen specifically because of how they still fit conventional beauty standards. They are not indicative of how most fat bodies look.

Please take the time to look at fat bodies that aren't marketable and appreciate them for their own worth, beauty, and fortitude. Do not let fat bodies be alien to you, do not otherize us. This should be normalized.

Fat people deserve art and media that reflect fat bodies honestly. Seeing plus size models as our only rep only ends up setting out a new, impossible goal for fat people. We're made to feel that we aren't fat in the right way. It sends the message that you can fail at being skinny AND fail at being fat, which is an awful thing to do. No body is a bad body. All bodies deserve to be seen and to see themselves.

Fat people deserve to be seen as fat people, not as skinny people with added weight.

May I recommend the Morpho book about fat and skin folds! For people who are looking for a source that explains/shows how all the folds and sag actually work and affect the body. I imagine the info provided in this book can work very well paired with those reference photos. The chapters of the books on any topic are always divided into 1. head/neck 2. torso. 3. upper limb. 4. lower limb ( even includes drawing babies)

I'm a whatever artist but I did do art from live models, and I'm a fat woman so I think you should draw fat people anyways, but also this is important because fat can be specific and doesn't just act how you think it should around muscles.

So this is a great exercise and is super helpful to help with drawing!

I can't speak to every single area with students, but for me and other people I met, the point was "learn how to draw this person's body accurately", so I would have loved to have more fat models to draw from.

How to draw Afro textured 4c hair - an explanation/Tutorial



For those of you that don't know what 4c hair is, 4c hair is a hair texture type that contains coils to small and tight that the hair appears to be more puffy rather than curly ( like to photo below ) this is in NO WAY to be confused with curly hair. there is a drastic difference.


As a black artist that primarily draws characters with 4c hair, I've been asked many times to do a tutorial on 4c hair so here we go~


before we get into 4c hair, lets take a moment to fully understand it by talking about hair texture in a general sense first


let's take a look at this example of straight hair vs curly hair ( 1 type straight hair vs 3 type curly hair )


If you take a moment to compare the two you'll notice straight hair is flat, it has no texture. Straight hair perfectly hangs down similar to liquid-like silk. It's lack of curl pattern is the reason as to why it hangs perfectly flat.

curly hair on the other hand doesn't lie down flat and silky like straight hair, It's more thick. Curly hair in it's raw and unstyled state has a trapezoid like shape this is because the sides of the hair spread more outward.


So why is this? Why is straight hair flat and curly hair thick?

the answer to that question is a thing called piling up. When it comes to hair texture, the shape of the hair strands aren't the only thing that matters, its how the strands coexist with each other, Curly hair strands coexist by piling up on top each other.

moisture also effects hair texture too, different hair types absorbs moisture differently, thus the thickness of each hair type is different.


…..soooo, how does this all relate to how to draw 4c hair??

Well let's take a look at the drawing below. Notice how the arrows go outward more as the hair texture gets curlier. As we've already discussed, this is because hair piles up, The curlier the hair texture, the more it piles up on each other, the bigger it gets, the more outward the arrows go.

Out of any hair texture, 4C hair has the most curls. Because of this, the hair piles up on each other so much that it doesn't lie down flat like straight hair, nor does it make a trapezoid like shape like curly hair, it instead becomes more cloud like.❤️


This is what you need to take into account when it comes to drawing 4C hair.


Think of it as piling up a bunch of cotton balls on each other. The most cotton on top of top to lead to a bigger patch of  cotton. this is 4c hair.

How to not draw 4c hair:

Garnet fanart. Let's talk about Garnet Fanart. I notice a trend that when artists draw Garnet from Steven universe, her hair texture is usually changed to 3 type curly like texture. This subtle form of White washing has confused me because this is inaccurate.


Garnet's hair is in the shape of a cube. Though 3 type hair piles up on each other, it isn't curly nor thick enough for their hair to stay in the shape of a cube. Curly hair lies down more than 4c hair. So garnet's hair being in the shape of a cube is a dead giveaway that it is 4C. Why do you think hairstyles like flat tops are usually seen on black men with 4c hair? It's because, the 4c hair texture is thick and strong enough to stay in whatever shape you put it in.


please, if you're drawing a character with 4c hair, avoid drawing it like curly 3 type hair, this is very anti-black and texturist.

So, how do you draw 4c hair?

honestly, its the most easy thing in the world


i wanna clarify that blobby looking 4c drawings ( like the one on the top left ) can work depending on how cartoony your art style is.

Another thing that I want to greatly clarify when it comes to drawing 4C hair is, YOU. DONT. NEED. TO. DRAW. EVERY. HAIR. STRAND!…, seriously. I've gotten many messages about how 4C hair is hard to draw, and it's always left me confused; but then I find out that the same people that have trouble drawing 4C hair, attempt to draw every single strand of hair. This is unnecessarily time consuming because it's merely impossible to get every single detail down, especially when you have a simple cartoon style. 4C hair does not require much effort, all you're doing is drawing lumps. It's that simple, nothing more nor nothing less.

The reason why I greatly advise all of you to avoid drawing every single hair strand is because in real life, when you look at a 4C textured Afro, your eyes don't pick up on each individual hair strand like straight or curly hair. 4C hair, appears to be more undefined and cloud like, so attempting to draw each and every individual strand is unnecessary and will most likely end up looking inaccurate.


Anyways! that's it for now! there will be a part 2 to this tutorial that will come out next week! i hope you guys have learned from this and apply it to your black character in your art!~

If you're not a black person with 4c hair, stop interacting with this post. You can re-blog but I do not want to read your useless explanation on why you personally don't see it as problematic to turn a black character with 4C hair to curly hair.

I also would prefer not to hear you cry about how I'm being "harsh" for calling out this form of white washing. I wasn't here to sugarcoat anything for you 👍🏾 







skin color ref because some of yall non-black poc and whites keep fucking up as if yall don't know there's other shades of brown when u racebend for woke points or something

(non-black artists please reblog)

Please reblog regardless of your race/ethnicity.

heres a chart I made for myself showing diffrent undertones and how that affects the skin if anyone's intrested

Use this to make a skin palette in your art program!

Also! This photography project by Angélica Dass has thousands of photos of people, with a Pantone color assigned to each! It's very helpful as a resource !!


And some examples of the project!

art cheats





hello i am here today to not lose track of the art cheats i have discovered over the years. what i call art cheat is actually a cool filter/coloring style/way to shade/etc. that singlehandedly makes art like 20 times better

80's anime style

glitch effect

glow effects

adding colors to grayscale paintings

foreshortening ( coil )

foreshortening ( perspective )

clipping group (lines)

clipping group (colors)

dramatic lighting ( GOOD )

shading metal

lighting faces

that is all for today, do stay tuned as i am always hunting for cool shit like this

guys stop reblogging this these are cheats the CIA will come for you

reblogging so i dont lose this

"Art cheats".   Or as we call them in the art world: "skills" and "techniques".

(None of these are "cheats"?  They're just teaching people how to learn to do things?  Or in some cases, introducing another way of thinking about how to do something, which often will work for an artist who feels "stuck".  Like, I get the impulse to be casual and hip about it, but I fundamentally see something wrong with encouraging artists to denigrate their own process of learning new skills or learning how to really make various digital art programs work.  Don't be down on yourself for having to learn!  Don't be down on yourself for looking up and following tutorials!  "Real artists" are not born with the above knowledge just springing forth from their own minds!  And you aren't "cheating" by learning.)

Yo my dude, what's that fat bodies anatomy book you have called? I need refs and google is NOT helpful. Thank you!

- Anonymous




Morpho: Fat and skin folds by Michel Lauricella ✌️


Thanks @gummiprince the real MVP

[Image Description:

First image is a book cover, with the main title appearing vertically "Morpho. Anatomy for Artists", to the right of the cover the rest of the title is there horizontally as "Fat and skin folds", author is "Michel Lauricella", and below is a pencil sketch of a naked fat person from a back-profile view, raising one of their arms. Below the sketch, is the publisher name "rockynook".

Second image is a screenshot of a reply by tumblr user gummiprince saying "This is available as a free pdf here!!!!″.

End of Image Description]

I checked the website link, and it isn't a safe place to download things on, it is full of fake download buttons and images that lead to the same place with a fake download file, has comments from a bunch of bots, and fake information, and it wants you to get a "7 day trial" while having an unsecure website with no ssl certification. This is a good way to get malware and get your information stolen, I would not trust it if I were you.

Here are some safe links instead: (Free, the preview pages are wonky but the actual file is fine.) (Costs money, but supports the author and a decent book retail store with better business practices and cheaper prices. Is for the physical book.) (Virtual library app, if your library has the book, you can borrow the e-book. Requires a library card.)





You know how long I've been looking for something like this!?

To any sketch artist out there too.

You know what's some crazy $hit?




This fabulous bitch


She makes a shit ton of poses (like 16,000 or some crazy nonsense).  I used this lovely lady to draw so much as a teen.  Whether it was some nerdy pose for my Mary Sue as fuck OCs


or for full on fight sequences


or for tragic deaths of my OCs in the arms of a totally OOC main protagonist.


this bitch hooked me up.

And with the wildest, craziest stuff that you could see in your head but had no way or resources to reasonably draw like


or this


or this


DUDE!  INASNE SHIT!!  So I was using her for a pose reference and decided, you know what, I owe this bitch some cash.  Lemme dole it out for her.  BUT then, I looked and saw she only has 286 fucking patrons!!  This chick gives out free shit and spends countless hours arranging these shoots and setting this stuff up.

I'll fork up the cash, SenshiStock.  You're worth it.

Check out this amazing woman's stuff, and get knowledged:

I have been following her for years on deviantart.

Highly reccomend checking her out. She's the best. If I had any money to throw I'd throw it at her for providing such a big help in my life.

This hero doesn't wear capes, she instead wears (and looks utterly flawless) in tank tops(?)




Is there a website to look up models or people  to draw, with gender, ethnicity, and age filters. (if possible)?

 For example if a wanted to make a cartoon character realistic and use a real person for reference or to edit the photo to look like them?

I've been just googling  white 20s male, black female 40s etc. (can't find any good references for kids either)  and been sifting through the results.

This site probably has what you're looking for!

Look at what you can sort by!


Reblog to save an artist's life


Voter deadlines for the general election, which is on November 3, are quickly approaching and vary based on state.

You can register to vote in 5 minutes or less at

Please check with your state registrar for specifics on voting in the upcoming election, as requirements might vary based on your voting method.

hello kids don't forget to register to vote!

this blog is not active anymore because it was never meant to get big in the first place, but if you're here already…

get this fucking orange moron out of office & don't forget to vote down the ballot! you want to work at all levels of government!

(Obvi this is america-centric, so if you're not American feel free to fight fascists in your own home)




If you support adobe DO NOT
under any circumstances
fucking click this link and download Adobe Animate CC 2019 .
It would be A HUGE financial loss on adobe's part umu
please reblog this and spread it around so people Don't download and get adobe for free and make them lose a bunch of money

Here's a bunch of Alternatives for some Adobe products in the mean time, I'll also be adding ones that have one time purchase cause monthly shit is NOT my thing.

Adobe Photoshop Alternatives l

- FireAlpaca (Free)

-Medibang (Free)

-Krita (Free)

-Gimp (free) (don't get this one for art and stuff it's not that good but great for editing)

-Clip studio Paint (Pro : $49.99 l Ex: $ 219 , They can go on Sale during  Summer and somewhere in November - December)

-paint tool sai l PST 2  ($ 50.81 , please buy the product instead of pirating it , i actually bought it a while ago when i still used it, it would be helpful to the developer l tutorial on buying it)

Adobe Animate l

-OpenToonz (really recommend this one, i'll reblog this and add the tutorials for it l It's free)

-Pencil 2d (it's eh? i don't like it but a lot do, it's weird l free)

-Blender 2D Animation Feature (Yes Blender now has a 2d animation feature and it's really great! Tutorial links will be added later on l Free)

-CSP (same as above but Ex costs around $219)

-Toon Boom Harmony ( Permanent license  $340 -  $1,770 )

-Tvpaint ( $591.5 - $14,78.75 )

-How to Animate in Krita Animation
-OpenToonz Tutorial Playlist ( 1 , 2 )

-Blender ( Grease Pencil Tutorial , 2D Tutorials )

-How to Animate in Firealpaca

-How to animate in clip studio paint

Anyways Since Windows Deleted Windows Movie Maker original download link here's the safe one that's like legit windows movie maker BECAUSE people are fucking shitty

Vote Save America 2020 →

Don't forget!


reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren't welcome here, and never will be.


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